Potassium Titanate Powder

Potassium Titanate K2TiO3 Powder
Product Potassium Titanate Powder (K2TiO3 Powder)
Part Number PW04
CAS Number 12030-97-6

About Potassium Titanate (K2TiO3) Powder

Potassium Titanate (K2TiO3) Powder is a new additive, which has the advantages of reducing arc voltage, stabilizing arc, reducing spatter, excellent service performance and fine weld. It can be widely used for low hydrogen electrodes, AC-DC electrodes and stainless steel electrodes.

NCE provides Potassium Titanate (K2TiO3) Powder. The content of TiO2 and K2O can be changed according to customer needs. Please contact us for more details. Get a Quote Now! For other ceramic materials, please check our Ceramics catalog page.

Other Trade Names: potassium titanium oxide, pigmentary potassium titanate (PKT)

Typical Applications:

Potassium Titanate (K2TiO3) can be used in electroplating copper, insulating materials in space, raw materials of electrolyte titanium, welding flux of welding electrodes, etc. In addition, it is also used in ferrous metal welding and enamel industry.

Typical Chemical Composition

Item PW04
TiO2 60-65% (adjustable)
K2O 25-40% (adjustable)
S <0.05%
P <0.05%

Order Information

Inquiries and orders should include the following information:

  1. Quantity
  2. Composition

Packing and Storage

Standard Packing: 25 kg sealed bags. Special package is available on request.

Physical Properties

Form: Powder
Color: White
M.W.: 174.06
Melting Point: 1615°C
Density: 3.10 g/cm3 at 25°C (lit.) 
Solubility: Hydrolyzed into strong alkaline solution in H2O